What is 'Real Estate' as a 'Business' if it is not really, and mainly the 'business' of 'marketing'?
For example, if we can successfully win listings then for most agents thats half the battle. 'My Listings' then become 'my referral tool' - the listing 'markets me' even more in the neighborhood .. and I get more listings.
This is the primary purpose of putting effort into a marketing approach like a single property site - it's a fabulous way to impress the socks of the Seller and then get the inquisitive neighbors to see what an amazing marketing god you really are!
The real point is that this is a marketing effort focussed on the HOME, not the Realtor (what an amazing concept) - as a consequence it can have a very positive effect on your potential sellers and neighbors, friends, family work colleagues etc.
Of course, all this opportunity has to be balanced by the cost and effort of doing it. So - you need to decide the cost benefits. But you can only do that if you understand the real benefits.
Technology now makes these solutions very accessible to even the most technically and financially challenged. Systems and tools now permit anyone to create a very elegant site in just a few minutes and the cost? - well cost can be as low as $5 per listing per month, or lower.
The benefits continue to mount. Services from SPS are now evolving into comprehensive listing marketing solutions - a part of which, is the creation of a single property site, but we now also offer the capability to take that data and spin it, push it and present it in multiple ways - all automatically!
So, once listing data is entered, syndicate it all over the web, create WIDGETS automatically and present this in your own sites, BLOGS, mySpace etc, this is now your virtual tour (with unlimited high-resolution images), connect it REALTOR.com, use it as an unbranded virtual tour, create and post elegant flyers to craigslist automatically, create print flyers and postcards - all using the data set you created for this property.
On top of this, you could, possibly get a street address domain name and sign rider just in case you thought marketing yourself to the seller and the drive by buyers had any importance...
(Notice here i am NOT advocating a 3rd level domain like http://streetaddress.mydomain.com - first, how cheap is that!.. you are avoiding a great marketing opportunity to save yourself 10 or so bucks!? secondly a third level domain is all about YOU not the home, and thirdly, if you are worried about SEO, this won't help you a bean - a real domain name sitting out there with back-links to your main site is definitely going to help - well I can't think of many other SEO benefits that cost as little as $11.99 per year ...(& please note that with SPS, a 'SOLD' site stays live for free) )
If you want to see more - see a real sample of what can get created in a few minutes and for just a few bucks at http://www.1122MainStreet.com
Remember - its not the solution but the strategy that will make you successful!